Monday, February 18, 2008

Study Time

I have to clear Module 5: Rules and Regulations For Financial Advisory Services within a month. That's the deadline set by my boss. Hence, I am taking my exam on March 12. I'm still less than halfway into the book. At the moment, I am still trying hard to remember whatever I've read. My memory has never been good. I normally have to work twice or thrice as hard as others to memorize things.

Meanwhile, I am planning to go for my braces. Apparently, my layout of my teeth is very problematic. The dentist quoted me $5K for the whole process. I think the cost would increase further given that my wisdom teeth are affecting the growth of my other teeth. I will probably have to go through surgeries to pull them out. Each teeth would probably make myself "quarantine at home" for two weeks. This may sound too good for many people (to have two months of medical leave with 4 wisdom teeth being pulled out). However, the most crucial thing is that I can't afford two months' of break with the current work status of mine. I have to meet up with the dentist and see if we could work out a plan such that I won't delay the plan to put on braces (since normally such process will take at least two years) and not resort to taking too many days off work. I really can't afford at this juncture. I will be doing a switch to another division in March.

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